Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Get ready for The Hobbit!

My friend Alec is a genius. He texted me and said in order to get ready for The Hobbit he's going to watch the chapters of the dvds of The Lord of the Rings trilogy in reverse, starting with Return of the King, naturally. Brilliant!


  1. Although I wholeheartedly denounce the use of text messages, this plan otherwise sounds great! I'm wondering how he got the idea. Is there a way or setting to have it move through the chapters backwards, or is the back skip button going to get a lot of use?

  2. I think he would have to program all the chapters to play in reverse order. I think some players have that feature.

  3. I don't know if I could do that. I think I would lose my mind halfway through Two Towers. It would be a cool experiment though.
